Managed hosting for Symfony
With proper hosting, you will get the most out of your Symfony project. Thanks to LinQhost’s managed hosting, you are fully supported in the maintenance and optimization of your server. You and your customers get the best experience.

What is Managed hosting for Symfony?
Symfony is a PHP framework. This framework is user-friendly and resilient. In combination with managed hosting, you have a powerful framework. Your Symfony project should be hosted on the best server. This is the only way to cope with the large numbers of visitors. Managed hosting ensures that you are fully supported.
Managed hosting means that your server is maintained and optimized. But it doesn’t stop there. You will receive advice from experts and security will also be monitored. This way you can focus on what is important, the further development of your company. Moreover, you will experience the stability, speed and security of LinQhost.

What to expect from managed Symfony hosting
Complete unburdening
You are expecting that your Symfony project always remains accessable and available. Managed Hosting means taking considerate steps towards the hosting process where security and continuity is key. The hosting experts will create solutions with you and advice you on the development, performance and continuity of your Symfony project. The complete service is aimed at unburdening you.
Time saving
Managed hosting means more than stability and security. You will also save time. With unmanaged hosting, you yourself are responsible for the maintenance and service of the server. When you choose for managed hosting, you choose for experts that unburden you from these tasks. This way, you are ensured by a sturdy server. The optimalisation shall give your website speed and stability, which in return will influence your customers experiences positively.
Always online
With managed hosting, a 360 degrees approach is used. This means that all needs and wishes are discussed. It also guarantees you that you will always be online. Service, optimalisations and maintenance take place daily. Should something go sideways, our experts are ready to solve anything.
What are the benefits of Managed Symfony hosting at LinQhost?
Constant monitoring for your Symfony project
We always keep an eye on the performance. Through our gold tier partnership with Datadog, we can trace errors before they make a big impact on your server. Your customers will experience your site seamlessly.
Managed back-ups
When problems occur with your symfony project, you need to posess the most recent backups. That is why we make it our mission for the managed backups to give you systematically, the best backups.
24/7 calamity desk
Anything can go sideways unexpectedly. This does not mean that we should look the other way. If calamities occur, someone should always be available to solve this. That is why our hosting experts are ready 24/7 for assistance.
Fast and stable server
Your server will run on our powerfull high performancce web hosting server. These servers are secure, stable and always online! Thanks to these servers, the customer experience and ranking in Google is changed positvily.
Service level agreement
You will decide yourself the level of service. Every company is different which also means the preference of service level. Our service level agreements come in different forms. Basiq SLA and 24/7 Supreme SLA.
Shiftmanager focusses on the development of their planning tool to contribute to a sustainable labor markt where the employee can fill in their own schedule. To grow the company, a scaleable hosting partner was needed that grows together with the company. The partner needs knowledge of Symfony hosting as Shiftmanager develops its applications in the Symfony framework. With the expertise in Symfony, LinQhost is the right partner. As of now both companies work together to grow and improve their services.

LinQhost, your partner for Managed Symfony hosting?
Your needs and wishes are the foundation of your server environment. That is why we enjoy conversations. Besides that, it can be so that you would like to discuss the possibilities with us. Contact us so that we can have a conversation to discuss all your wishses and needs for your hosting environment.
Test our Symfony hosting for free?
Experience our Managed Hosting for your Symfony web application and contact us for a free trial!