High Performance Webhosting
Slow websites, webshops and web applications are the biggest annoyances for visitors. In fact, many of your potential customers drop out if your online service has a mediocre performance. You will be missing out on Sales. Something you don’t want, and neither do we.
Our customers on the High-performance web hosting platform (HPW) serve their online target audience at lightning speed. They work efficiently. Everything is 100% safe. Would you like to know more about our customers high performance web server experiences?

What is High Performance Webhosting?
High Performance Webhosting, short for HPW stands for high-speed Managed Hosting Technology with optimal performance for big websites, web shops and web applications. Our high-performance web servers have unique traits. The servers are exceptionally safe, fast, utmost stable and always online. For this reason, our clients choose the HPW platform.
Want to experience this service yourself? We offer the possibility to try out a managed HPW- server for free. Also, we will help you with transferring your application to the HPW-test server. This way u can instantly start testing while we manage the hosting.
What can u expect from our HPW Managed hosting service?
We are specialised in Managed Hosting. We carefully consider every step in the hosting process. Safety and continuity are our top priorities. This is made possible by hosting experts who think along every step of the way. We are also happy to give advice. Think of developments, performance, and the continuity of your websites and applications. Our managed service is fully focused on you being completely unburdened in the field of hosting. This allows you to focus on the (further) development of your website, web shop or web application.
What are the biggest advantages of Managed Hosting?

Managed hosting is more than just data storage. We also offer support with interferences that need to be resolved quickly. In addition, we proactively deal with:
Making daily backups
Implementing upgrades and security patches

Monitoring the continuity.
Peak load due to sudden high load situations such as high traffic results in overloaded servers. This is exactly what our hosting experts safeguard against. Through adequate monitoring, our HPW service ensures actions that prevent overloading the server.
Depending on the Managed Hosting Service Level agreement, you can choose what we monitor you server 24/7. We offer this SLA in two variants: 24/7 supreme support & Basic support. Based on your wishes and requirements, we look at which solution is most suitable.
Disaster & recovery
Nothing is more annoying than a calamity on your server. Nobody wants an offline website/webshop or web application. With an uptime score of 99.9% you can be ensured of almost no calamities with LinQhost.
Should something happen with e.g., the development of your project, then we have a disaster & recovery service. Our support will jump in when you experience issues. We also offer security and warranty with our Managed Backup SLA. We can restore a backup if necessary.
Speed and performance
The speed and performance of uw online channels have influence on the experience of your customers. U could miss potential revenue. With High Performance Webhosting u will be ensured with great performance. With an eye on the specific needs and requirements we will look for a tailored solution. The approach of LinQhost focuses on a unique solution made for every project. No solution is the same, but always stable, fast and safe!
Safety and optimalisation
The safety of HPW is immense. Through the constant monitoring of your website or application, enables us to catch on to problems and errors quickly. Besides safeguarding, LinQhost also takes the optimilisation to the next level. This way it is possible to get the most out of your website or application.
LinQhost Portal
With a HPW solution you gain the control of your own hosting. Through the LinQhost portal any changes you want can be made. Whether they be the DomainKeys Identified Mail keys, IP Whitelisting or Transport Layer Security and many more! With HPW you get the efficiency and speed in your own hands.
Why HPW Managed Hosting?
Imagine: an application, hosted somewhere randomly, performs well. The application is growing, users and visitors are increasing and with it the challenges to keep it healthy online.
Often not enough thought has been given to optimization or this was not possible at all. The risks increase as your organization grows and with it the risk of malicious parties looking for entrances in your hosting environment, the so-called hackers.
For better performance, the application must be separated from databases or other modules. Backups are made, but it is not possible to say with certainty whether this is done correctly.
With high performance managed webhosting from LinQhost you don’t have to worry about these kinds of things. Our mission is to completely unburden you. Read the benefits of our Managed Web Hosting. ↴
What are the customer experiences on HPW Managed Hosting?

HPW Managed Hosting is suitable for:
- Intensive websites, advanced web shops and SaaS hosting
- Database clustering
- Datadog
- Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards
- Integrations, solutions, and modules.

As support for the services, LinQhost will be making use of Datadog. LinQhost is the first Certified Datadog Integration Partner in the Netherlands.
Datadog is a monitoring service/tool in which you get more insight in the performance of your application and database. Monitoring with Datadog increases the performance as issues are discovered quicker. Issues that could have an impact but unaware of its existence can be discovered by this next-gen monitoring tool. Predetermined parameters can warn our experts from impactful issues or act fast to discover the root of the problem and come with a solution.

Which Script and programming languages does HPW Managed Hosting support?
HPW supports PHP, Python, and Javascript. Are you looking for a framework or application within these languages that need hosting management? We have listed all possible solutions below. Because all our solutions are customised, you can always contact us if your framework or application is not listed.

PHP Framework
Laravel is starting to get more popular. Good support is given to developers, keeping the PHP framework up to date. Let LinQhost take care of the optimization of your Laravel. Our HPW servers bring speed and efficiency to your web shop or website.
Want to know more about High Performance Web Hosting for Laravel? Then view our custom solutions for Laravel Managed Hosting.
WordPress is maybe one of the more popular and user-friendly platforms. Our High-Performance Webhosting is perfectly suitable for this. With constant monitoring, you can be assured of a stable website/web shop.
If you are interested in our High-Performance Webhosting for WordPress, then look at our customised solutions for WordPress managed hosting.
A Symphony project is often interesting when it comes to large companies because of the complexity behind Symfony. LinQhost is committed to this as a partner to host a streamlined Symfony project together with you.
Would you like to know what our High-Performance Webhosting for Symfony can mean for your project? We take you on a tour of our customized solution for Symfony managed hosting.
CodeIgniter has been positively received for its security benefits and handling of logical structure. Do you need assistance with your CodeIgniter project? Then LinQhost takes care of the hosting aspects of your project. Our customised approach for CodeIgniter managed hosting will tell you more.
Yii Framework means Yes, it is.
With Yii you are able to make webapplications with ease. Through the High Performance Webhosting service (HPW) the performance of your application increases. Look with us for our tailored managed Yii hosting solution and find out how LinQhost is the partner you want for your projects.
Important business and the optimalisation of the website performance is a daily task in itself. It might then be a good idea to outsource the hosting aspect.
With our HPW solution, LinQhost will ensure improved customer experience in your online channels which includes your Django site. Read further for our tailored solution for Managed Django Hosting.
With shared hosting or unmanged hosting you won’t have help to regulate your growth. Through the High Performance Webhosting service (HPW) solution, LinQhost guarantees the scalability and performance that you want with your Slim PHP project. Read here about our Managed Slim PHP solutions.
Are you developing webapplications in the flexible CakePHP framework? Then LinQhost is the ideal partner for you! We host your server on our much used High Performance Webhosting platform which is fast and safe! Want to know more about Managed CakePHP hosting? Read here for our tailored solutions.
Javascript Framework
NodeJS is created to make scalable network applications. Our HPW severs are ideal to get most our of your applications. Go to our NodeJS page for more information.
Because of high performance and efficiency, ReactJS is highly used for Javascript framework. Our High-Performance Webhosting fits seamlessly with this. Our HPW servers are designed for stability and speed. Want to know more? Go to our ReactJS managed hosting customised solutions.
Opensource CMS
WordPress Hosting
A WordPress website with a lot of traffic needs the right hosting. For this you can also come to us. Read here for more info in WordPress Hosting solutions.
Shopware Hosting
Shopware offers complete E-commerce web shop possibilities. LinQhost will assist you, so your customers have a seamless experience with your web shop. We’ll take you with us in our Shopware Hosting solutions.
Joomla! Hosting
Do you use Joomla? CMS Webshop? LinQhost offers speed and performance with our approach for Joomla! hosting.
Typo3 Hosting
Type3 is praised for the flexibility and freedom it brings. A customised solution is of great importance here. Our HPW servers are set up to meet your needs and requirements. Read more about Typo3 Hosting solutions.
OpenCart Hosting
OpenCart is a powerful CMS for building professional websites. LinQhost gives you the continuity and speed with a HPW soolution where you save time to spend on other projects. Read here about our tailored solutions with OpenCart Hosting.
MODX Hosting
MODX is a flexible CMS that can benefit from our HPW solution. LinQhost can offer you MODX is a tailored approach with a customized solution for your MODX hosting. Read here about our MODX hosting solutions.
Prestashop Hosting
For both small and big companies, Prestashop is a CMS where you can easily build webshops. With a HPW solution, LinQhost guarantees a seemless experience. Read further for our Prestashop Hosting solutions.
Drupal hosting
Drupal CMS needs the necessary expertise. Maintenance is a reoccurring subject that requires time. LinQhost has the necessary expertise and experience regarding Drupal Hosting solutions.
Ralational database solutions
Do you work with large sums of data?
A rational database is a result of organising, securing, and controlling your data. LinQhost rdeprives your burden related to this data. A customised solution will be created that is in line with your needs and wishes. Think of the following:

NoSQL solutions
Big data and real-time web applications require database management where data stay organised. This way, you will get optimal results with the incoming data. Are you looking for organisation, security, and management for the seam of data you are receiving? Then LinQhost can unburden you. The next possibilities are available for NoSQL solutions:

We always offer customised hosting solutions!
If your script or programming language is not included yet maybe you can help with that. A customable solution is always possible to form for your needs and wishes. That is why no project is the same at LinQhost. Do you want more information? Contact one of our hosting experts. We will gladly look for a suitable Manged Hosting solution.