Conditions backup SLA
LinQhost customers opt for support and security. With our Backup SLA, we record with you how the disaster & recovery services are provided by us. We make agreements with you about how often we make backups of your files, for example, how long this is stored and what else you can expect from us. Adjustments to the SLA are certainly possible, ask us about the possibilities or view the frequently asked questions about the Backup SLA.
Article 1. Parties
This Back-up Service Level Agreement (hereinafter referred to as: SLA) is an agreement concluded between:
LinQhost B.V., Kieler Bocht 9, 9723 JA Groningen. The Netherlands. Registered with the Chamber of Commerce In Groningen under number 67697860, hereinafter referred to as LinQhost and Customer, hereinafter referred to as User.
Article 2. Overview
2.1. Background and purpose of the SLA.
This SLA only applies to the backup services of LinQhost in the context of disaster and recovery of data of the User. These consist of storing data, its retention and possible recovery in the event of calamities. This SLA describes the level of service that is included with the service as well as the extensions that are possible.
2.2 Duration of the SLA
This SLA runs during the period that the User purchases backup services from LinQhost. This SLA is periodically revised to incorporate new circumstances or forms of service provision into the document that were not yet known or available at the time the previous version of the SLA was drawn up. From the time, LinQhost may amend this SLA in the same way as the agreement between the parties, as described in its General Terms and Conditions (see our general terms, and conditions).
- Article 3. Policies
3.1. Standard policy
By default, the following principles apply to the backup services:
- Per (virtual) server, the costs of the backup service are € 15.40 per month;
- Cost of storage used for backup is € 0.145 per gigabyte (GB);
- All rates may be adjusted from time to time in accordance with the procedure on rate changes in the General Terms and Conditions (see our general terms and conditions);
- LinQhost is entitled to pass on external costs for data traffic to the User;
- Configuring the backup service, monitoring whether backups are made and whether these backups have been successful will be taken care of by LinQhost;
- One (1) backup per day will be made;
- A backup will be kept for five (5) days, after which it will be automatically deleted.
- Backups will be deleted within five (5) days of termination of service.
- On request, a maximum of one backup (1) per calendar month will be restored free of charge (recovery);
- If more resets are desired, this is possible at additional costs (hourly rate) The user has access to the LinQhost service desk in accordance with article 4 below;
- Anything that falls outside this standard policy entails additional costs in accordance with LinQhost’s standard rates for additional service requests (Additional Services Rates), or by means of an additional offer.
3.2. Deviations from the standard policy
If the User wishes certain deviations from the standard policy, this is possible at an additional cost. In this case, changes to the previous list will be included by means of an addendum. You can think of changes such as:
Expansion of the number of backups per day
Expanding the number of archives; e.g. from 5 days to 7 days (or more) Add extra policy; e.g. 1 x per month, keep for 6 months
- Article 4. Support with backup services
4.1. Service Desk
LinQhost prefers to provide access to the service desk via e-mail for reporting issues or asking questions about backups. This service desk is available during office hours on working days at the times indicated on the site. The service desk is closed on officially recognized Dutch holidays, weekends and on days communicated in advance by LinQhost. The service desk can also be reached by telephone. The phone is intended for urgent matters or if email is not available. When reporting issues of any kind by telephone, a message must first be submitted via e-mail stating the issue. LinQhost can then use this for issuing registration and replying to the User.
For cases that are registered before four o’clock in the afternoon, a response time applies according to the Same Business Day principle, cases that are registered after four o’clock in the afternoon are answered according to the Next Business Day principle.